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A Pareto analysis of the best driver/kart build you can drive in Mario Kart 8. “The Pareto efficiency is an objective criteria to filter out suboptimal choices, but you still need to make up your final decision.”

Discussion  2 comments

Eric M

When Mario Kart for the Wii came out, I created an Excel sheet sorting all of these same metrics to determine the "best" driver. In the end, the Blue Shell destroys all data anyways.

Jason KottkeMOD

Response from Devon Shaw on Bluesky:

Nintendo *does* competitively rebalance with new patches quite a bit for a game this old, but most changes typically hit the characters, not the karts (except when Wild Wiggler was out of control). As of a couple patches ago, the class of Yoshi, Birdo, Peach and Daisy was the best performing.

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