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Kind of Bloop album postered on Jay Maisel’s building

A pair of fair use crusaders hired some “street art underground” friends to place several posters of the Kind of Bloop album cover on the building that Jay Maisel owns in Manhattan as payback for Maisel threatening to sue Andy Baio over using a representation of Maisel’s photo of Miles Davis for Bloop’s cover.

I hope that every time Jay leaves the house, he sees these posters โ€” and as he looks at them or tries to tear them down he thinks about how evil what he did was. Maybe he’ll realize that at some level all art borrows from other art, and suing another artist for fair use appropriation undermines all artists. Maybe he’ll feel guilty about being such a thief. And then maybe he’ll think about giving that money back โ€” or donating it to charity or something. But probably not.

Something tells me this isn’t going to end well. (via @jakedobkin)