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How Crayons Are Made

This is probably my all-time favorite childhood TV moment. I loved watching the smiling workers and relentless machinery turn all that formless wax into something that I USED EVERY DAY. My favorite part is the crayons popping up out of their molds. Still gives me chills, it does! BTW, the YouTube page says the video originated from Sesame Street but it was actually from Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. (thx, janelle)

Update: I stand corrected…the above clip is from Sesame Street. But Mr. Rogers did show a similar clip on his show (stills here). I know I’ve seen the one on Mr. Rogers but I don’t know about the Sesame Street one. (thx, everyone)

Update: Ok, here’s the clip from Mr. Rogers. Its pace is a lot more leisurely than the Sesame Street clip.

Update: Richard Harvey composed the music for the Sesame Street segment in 1978. In this video, talks about how he put the track together.

(thx, sara)