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Fastest bow in the west

Archer Lars Andersen can shoot 10 arrows in less than 5 seconds, without sacrificing power or accuracy. Andersen learned his technique by studying ancient archery practices…the key is holding the extra arrows in the hand and instinctive shooting.

Update: Anderson is back with a new video and new skills, like incoming shooting arrows with arrows of his own.

(via @psillin & @gavinpurcell)

The secret curse of expert archers

Elite archers are sometimes afflicted with something called target panic.

Target panic, as the condition is known, causes crack shots to suddenly lose control of their bows and their composure. Mysteriously, sufferers start releasing the bow the instant they see the target, sabotaging any chance of a gold-medal shot. Others freeze up and cannot release at all. Target panic is akin to the yips in baseball and golf, when accomplished athletes can no longer make a simple throw to first base or stroke an easy putt.

Some researchers have asserted that there are two types of yips, neurological (when groups of neurons become worn from overuse) and psychological.