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How Alec Baldwin channels his rage

Alec Baldwin must relish the opportunity to channel his rage through Jack Donaghy, the beloved heartless media executive he plays on 30 Rock, a rage in evidence at The Huffington Post in his open-skewering of the suits who own and run his show’s network.

On the problem of the studios in the ongoing WGA negotiations:

They are owned by huge, creativity-deadening corporations and operated by lawyers and marketing executives who lord over the worst creative decline I have witnessed in a long time, particularly in films. In television, companies like GE view properties like NBC the way realtors view square footage. GE does not care what is on NBC. So long as the programming is relatively inoffensive, they want to earn as much per square foot as they can.

I missed this at the time, but 30 Rock snuck in a last-minute subversive writers’ strike joke for its last pre-strike show.

For some defictionalized 30 Rock goods, t-shirts for the parent company of 30 Rock’s NBC, Sheinhardt Wig Company, can be had here.

(via glass shallot)