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Speak Up interviews David Carson

Speak Up interviews David Carson.

Reader comments

philNov 14, 2003 at 6:47PM

i was in some bookstore in soho back in may, all design, photography, art, etc...books. Couldn't find a single Carson book. Was dissapointed, coming out from california where every borders has one. I guess I'm so far out of the hot designer loop that i didn't know he was disliked?

Too bad.

Funny, i get all shrill about religion and politics yet i expect all designers to just LOVE each other, as comrades.

Is it a jealously thing? People misunderstanding work that was done before they were even aware of design?

Like, uh, certain people who hate certain web designers even though they were well known years before the haters even opened up a browser for the first time?

O'Brien Megan Jan 25, 2004 at 8:25AM

The best solution against abortions is education, not snipers.

This thread is closed to new comments. Thanks to everyone who responded.