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Secret Wall Tattoos

Secret Wall Tattoos. People are removing art from hotel room walls, creating their own art on the wall beneath, and then replacing the art of top of it for others to discover at a later time.

A group called Art Mobs is producing

A group called Art Mobs is producing their own audio guides for the MoMA.

Wow, how to make moss graffiti

Wow, how to make moss graffiti. “Soon the bits of blended moss should begin to re-couperate into a whole rooted plant - maintaining your chosen design before eventually colonising the whole area.” Again, wow!

How to make a coin into a ring

How to make a coin into a ring.

How to make a fire using just

How to make a fire using just a Coke can and a chocolate bar. You use the chocolate (which is a minor abrasive) to polish the underside of the can into a mirrored surface shiny enough to focus the sun’s rays effectively.

On shopping cart coin replacement things

On shopping cart coin replacement things. The plastic coin replacement thingie is a “perpetually reusable currency for the shopping cart leasing market.”