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Venn diagram of mythical creatures

Mythical Venn

My favorite is dog + dog + dog = Cerberus. (thx, ben)

How to be happy in business

Bud Caddell summarizes how to be happy with your work in the form of a Venn diagram consisting of three main overlapping areas: What We Do Well, What We Want to Do, and What We Can Be Paid to Do. (via today and tomorrow)

Hybrid cutlery

A Venn diagram showing the relationships between hybrid cutlery like the spork, spife, knork, and the little known splayd. See also forkchops.

Update: See also the history of forks. (thx, jake)

For my own future reference: an explanation

For my own future reference: an explanation of SQL joins using Venn diagrams.

Update: Another crack at the Venn diagram thing.