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Isometric Google logo.

Isometric Google logo.

Web 2.0 style redesigns of famous logos. The

Web 2.0 style redesigns of famous logos. The BoeingBoeing one is pretty clever. (thx, mark)

Reviews of some recent logo redesigns. That

Reviews of some recent logo redesigns. That new MasterCard logo is…yikes.

Short remembrance by Rob Janoff about designing

Short remembrance by Rob Janoff about designing the logo for Apple Computer. The logo was to be black & white to save on printing costs, but “Jobs was resolute, arguing that color was the key to humanizing the company”.

The typography of the logos of Web 2.0 companies. (via waxy)

The typography of the logos of Web 2.0 companies. (via waxy)

Fingernails painted with the Six Apart logo.

Fingernails painted with the Six Apart logo. Now, that’s a fan.

The history of the NBA logo…and

The history of the NBA logo…and yes, that’s Jerry West. (via th)

“Inside C” logos

“Inside C” logos are those where the second letter of a word (usually an “o”) is tucked inside the initial capital C. Examples: Coca-Cola, Carnation, and Coffee-Mate.

A grid of logos of Web 2.0 companies.

A grid of logos of Web 2.0 companies. These names sound like a bunch of companies that make children’s toys (which when you think about it, isn’t too far from the truth).

Update: Original here.

Kodak has themselves a new logo and

Kodak has themselves a new logo and gosh it looks plain and boring and undistinctive. Who are the folks convincing companies like Intel and Kodak that these logo/brand overhauls are going to revitalize their companies? Revitalization is a hard business…a new coat of paint isn’t going to cut it.

Update: More on Kodak’s new logo at Speak Up.

Best Google logo yet…a Braille version

Best Google logo yet…a Braille version to celebrate the birthday of Louis Braille.

Intel is retiring the “Intel Inside” saying/

Intel is retiring the “Intel Inside” saying/logo and is getting a new company logo as well…no more of the familiar “dropped e” logo. Now they’ll look like everyone else.

I missed this while in Asia last

I missed this while in Asia last month, but AT&T has a new logo, which is pretty much the same as the old one.

Examination of how US states brand themselves,

Examination of how US states brand themselves, focusing on state logos, license plates, and slogans.

Michael Bierut offers a requiem for the

Michael Bierut offers a requiem for the AT&T logo by Saul Bass. SBC is buying AT&T, keeping the name, but introducing a new logo.

Rafael Esquer just showed some of his

Rafael Esquer just showed some of his most recent work here at the Student Conference. I like his Made in NY logo that he did for NYC. Here’s a short interview with Esquer.

Todd Radom designs sports logos, including ones

Todd Radom designs sports logos, including ones for the Super Bowl, Fenway Park’s 90th anniversary, and the new Cleveland Browns. Read about his design for the Washington Nationals logo in Fast Company.

Custom chrome emblems for your car, Segway,

Custom chrome emblems for your car, Segway, motorbike, or laptop computer.

Using information from the USPTO to track

Using information from the USPTO to track how logo design in the US has changed over time. “Using this database, innovations and trends in the design of trademarks can be tracked and dissected. For example, the rise of the swoosh element, concentrated among internet and telecommunications firms in particular, can be seen developing in the mid-1990s.”

Huge collection of logos of metros/subways

Huge collection of logos of metros/subways from around the world.

Fifteen trends in logo design for 2005

Fifteen trends in logo design for 2005.